Downloads the dataset from an external source and puts it into a folder named data in the repository root.
This program relabels a conflict scenario which was labelled as Concatenation in the database into ConcatenationV1V2 or ConcatenationV2V1. It uses the following information: V1, V2, context, and resolution content. For more information, check the project folder.
Provides access to the conflicts database.
Extracts the file (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv) from the conflicts database.
Clones the projects contained in the dataset file (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv). Cloned projects are put into ../repos. This folder will be called “repos folder”.
Takes as input a csv file (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv) containing conflicting merge scenarios and the conflicts database. It is processed to relabel all scenarios resolved with the Concatenation strategy into ConcatenationV1V2 or ConcatenationV2V1. The result is stored into a new csv file (../data/LABELLED_DATASET.csv).
This script uses the program classifyConcatenation.jar to perform the relabelling and the script to query conflicts information from the database.
Input: ../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv, repos folder
Executes the a modified version of the macTool to extract the following attributes from the repositories: “Branching time”, “Merge isolation time”, “Devs 1”, “Devs 2”, “Different devs”, “Same devs”, “Devs intersection”, “Commits 1”, “Commits 2”, “Changed files 1”, “Changed files 2”, “Changed files intersection”.
It generates two csv files for each analyzed project. These files are put into ../data/macTool_output. In addition, it also generates the file (../data/macTool_output.csv) containing the extracted information for all conflicting chunks.
This script takes the csv file (../data/macTool_output.csv) as input.
It process each conflicting chunk in the macTool_output.csv file to extract two boolean attribute columns: has_branch_merge_message_indicator and has_multiple_devs_on_each_side.
The has_branch_merge_message_indicator column has a value equal to 1 when the conflicting chunk occurred in a merge commit that has a message satisfying a regular expression that indicates a branch merge. Otherwise the value is 0.
The has_multiple_devs_on_each_side column has a value equal to 1 when the conflicting chunk occurred in a merge commit with more than one unique developer on each side of the merge. Otherwise the value is 0.
The output of this script is the csv file (../data/merge_types_data.csv), containing the two extracted attributes and all data the information that was necessary to calculate it (number of devs on each side and the merge commit message).
Takes as input (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv) and the repos folder.
Script for collecting the following attributes: number of lines added and removed by left and right (left_lines_added, left_lines_removed, right_lines_added, right_lines_removed); conclusion delay in days, calculated by the difference between the dates of the parent commits (conclusion_delay); number of occurrences of keywords in the commit messages of commits involved in a merge (keyword_fix, keyword_bug, keyword_feature, keyword_improve, keyword_document, keyword_refactor, keyword_update, keyword_add, keyword_remove, keyword_use, keyword_delete, keyword_change).
Collected data are put into a csv file (../data/collected_attributes1.csv).
Takes as input (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv), the conflicts database, and the repos folder.
Script for collecting the following attributes: cyclomatic complexity (left and right versions of the conflicting chunk and for the whole conflicted file); chunk size (absolute and relative to the file size); conflicted file size; chunk position in the file.
Collected data are put into a csv file (../data/collected_attributes2.csv).
Stores paths to files in this project.
Takes as input (../data/INITIAL_DATASET.csv) and the repos folder.
This script extracts how many lines each author contributed to a conflicting chunk.
Currently it is able to extract modified lines, renamed/moved code and some cases of deleted lines.
To extract modified lines, it replays the merge operation that caused the conflict and then use git blame on the conflicted files. The conflicting chunk is then located in the git blame file and the author of each involved line is extracted. Note that all involved lines in a conflict chunk are considered. So it might happen that a line was not modified between the merge common ancestor and the merge parents, but it is still included in the conflict. In this case, this line is also considered.
Project: 3scale/3scale_ws_api_for_java
Steps to reproduce the merge:
git clone
git checkout 4650578dee712b2b08f2ead2bf6a531f82b1e0e9
git merge d623f491daa2f14f06f53338265d28a489138a6b
This merge results in a conflict in file src/net/threescale/api/v2/
If we use git blame on such conflicted file, the conflicting chunk is display as follows:
00000000 (<not.committed.yet> 2021-05-05 10:43:05 -0300 81) <<<<<<< HEAD
4650578d (<> 2011-01-27 15:15:31 +0100 82) if (response.getResponseCode() == 200 || response.getResponseCode() == 409) {
c4218480 (<> 2010-09-29 15:49:38 +0200 83) return new AuthorizeResponse(response.getResponseText());
eec4974e (<> 2010-09-29 10:40:05 +0200 84) } else if (response.getResponseCode() == 403 || response.getResponseCode() == 404) {
dfd42e40 (<> 2010-09-28 08:08:52 +0200 85) throw new ApiException(response.getResponseText());
07a08aef (<> 2010-09-28 09:19:58 +0200 86) } else {
07a08aef (<> 2010-09-28 09:19:58 +0200 87) throw createExceptionForUnexpectedResponse(response);
00000000 (<not.committed.yet> 2021-05-05 10:43:05 -0300 88) =======
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 89) if (response.getResponseCode() == 200) {
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 90) AuthorizeResponse authorizedResponse = new AuthorizeResponse(response.getResponseText());
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 91) cache.addAuthorizedResponse(app_key, authorizedResponse);
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 92) return authorizedResponse;
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 93) } else if (response.getResponseCode() == 403 || response.getResponseCode() == 404) {
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 94) throw new ApiException(response.getResponseText());
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 95) } else {
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 96) throw createExceptionForUnexpectedResponse(response);
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 97) }
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 98) }
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 99) else {
b6da57fc (<> 2010-10-26 15:36:31 +0200 100) return cached_response;
00000000 (<not.committed.yet> 2021-05-05 10:43:05 -0300 101) >>>>>>> d623f491daa2f14f06f53338265d28a489138a6b
From the git blame output, we can observe that for the first parent of the merge, modified 5 lines and modified 1 line. However, if we check the commit history between the merge common ancestor and the first merge parent (git log 1d2ec0a2016edab9736e163e09d7a994af00ccbf..4650578dee712b2b08f2ead2bf6a531f82b1e0e9), we can only see commits from contributed indirectly for the conflict in previous commits, but we also consider him as an author that contributed to this conflict.
When we have a conflict chunk where one of its sides is empty, it means that someone between the merge common ancestor and a merge parent has deleted some lines, while someone between the merge common ancestor and the other mege parent has modified/added lines. In such case, git blame does not help much, because deleted lines are not shown. To extract the authors who deleted lines in a conflict, we use a tool named difflame. However, in some cases we cannot correctly locate the conflict chunk in its output.
Some attempts were made to allow the extraction of deleted lines for all cases, but with no success. Some of the attempts were kept in the folder “unused_scripts” for reference in the future.
The output of this script is a csv file that is put into ../data/chunk_authors.csv.
Takes as input the file (../data/chunk_authors.csv).
Calculates the self conflict percentage metric for each conflicting chunk.
Output data is exported to a csv file (../data/authors_self_conflicts.csv).
Takes as input the following files: (../data/merge_types_data.csv), (../data/authors_self_conflicts.csv), (../data/collected_attributes1.csv), (../data/collected_attributes2.csv), and (../data/macTool_output.csv).
Merges the different csv data files with collected attributes into a single csv file.
Output data is exported to a csv file (../data/dataset.csv).
Takes as input the files: (../data/dataset.csv), (../data/number_conflicting_chunks.csv), and (../data/LABELLED_DATASET.csv).
Select chunks from projects based on a given criteria (currently number of conflicting chunks >= 1000 and projects that are not implicit forks of other selected projects).
Output data is exported to a csv file (../data/selected_dataset.csv).
Takes as input the file: (../data/selected_dataset.csv).
Script for transforming the language constructs from each chunk into a boolean attribute (one column per construct).
Output data is exported to a csv file (../data/selected_dataset2.csv).
This script takes the csv files (../data/selected_dataset2.csv) and (../data/chunk_authors.csv) as input.
It splits the dataset into training/validation (80% of the chunks) and test (20% of the chunks) parts. It also creates the boolean attribute author columns, creating one column for each author that participated in a conflicting chunk of that project. For each chunk, a value of 1 is assigned for the author column if it has participated in the conflict and a value of 0 is assigned otherwise.
The outputs of this script are two csv files for each project in the dataset, which are put into (../data/projects). One csv file contains the training dataset (../data/projects/projectowner_projectname-training.csv) and the other contains the test dataset (../data/projects/projectowner__projectname-test.csv) for each project. Two general csv files are also created containing the attributes for all chunks from all selected projects. One is (../data/dataset-training.csv) and the other is (../data/dataset-test.csv).
This script takes these CSV files as input:
- ../data/number_conflicting_chunks.csv
- ../data/number_chunks__updated_repos.csv
- ../data/projects_data_from_github_api.csv
This script joins the data about projects (collected from GitHub API) with the data of the number of chunks per project (extracted from Ghiotto’s database) and the data of the new owner/names of the projects, as well the projects not found by the API. Finally it saves the output to file ../data/api_data.csv.
This script has the following CSV as input:
- ../data/dataset-training.csv
- ../data/dataset-test.csv
- ../data/projects/{project}-training.csv (one for each project)
- ../data/projects/{project}-test.csv (one for each project)
The goal of this script is to discretize the categorical attributes from the dataset. It uses log2 and log10 functions to transform the values. It outputs two csv files for each input csv. One for log2 discretization and another for log10.
Resulting projects dataset is put into ../data/projects/discretized_log2 and ../data/projects/discretized_log10.
The general dataset is put into ../data.